This is one of my favorite projects that I have completed throughout my design experience. For this campaign, I was asked to develop an imaginative theme to promote Coca-Cola’s 125th Anniversary. The focal points of the campaign were to be an informative booklet detailing Coca-Cola's history, an eye-catching billboard and an effective tagline. The tagline that I chose was simply: “The look has changed but the quality hasn’t.”
For the advertising campaign theme, I chose to create a series of Andy Warhol inspired pieces to help create a nostalgic (vintage) look that reflects Coca-Cola’s long history. The illustrations are based on Andy Warhol’s “10 Marilyns” (1967) and Campbell’s “Soup Can” posters (1965). I thought that the pieces would be a creative way to illustrate the evolution of one of Coca-Cola’s most famous signature pieces of packaging, the can.

For the second portion of the Coca-Cola 125th Anniversary campaign, I chose to create an informative book detailing the most notable events and happenings that helped shape the great brand that we know and love today. I kept the Andy Warhol inspiration for the overall appearance of the booklet. Each section throughout the history is color coded to easily distinguish each period of Coca-Cola's growth.

To accompany this promotional campaign, I also felt it would be a nice compliment to create this group of six commemorative, postage stamps.

I also created this eye-catching commemorative poster for this promotion.

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