I had the pleasure of designing and building the website for a talent agency named Athena International. With a rather impressive worldwide clientele, the company's name pays homage to the Greek goddess Athena Parthenos. The company's founders, of Greek descent, have a fascination with Greek history and wanted the website to reflect that. 
As a result, the website background (set on every page) features the Athena Parthenon. This temple built between 447 and 438 B.C. was dedicated to Athena herself. I also chose a display font that complements the characteristics of Greek-inspired typography with a clean, sans-serif font. I also gave many of the photos (namely on the main page header) a statuesque appearance to further represent the Greek connection.
The website has been very well received and looks to serve as their biggest marketing tool for years to come as they expand even larger.
To browse the site, visit http://www.athena-international.com

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