I created the name, logo and packaging (box) design for a desktop stress reliever punching bag for a company named Roll With the Punches. They stressed the fact that they wanted the product to have a "novelty type feel." Naturally, as a boxing fan, I came up with the name "NovelTKO." TKO, of course is boxing terminology meaning "Technical Knockout."
The punching bag is yellow, donning a smiley face. This, of course, influenced my design for the product's logo. I chose to give the box an appearance reminiscent of a vintage boxing poster or flyer. The use of stars is meant to allude to the infamous phrase "seeing stars." I gave the logo a fun font while manipulating the text to appear to be punched by the face of NovelTKO, Smiley.

The front of the NovelTKO Packaging.

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