In August of 2020, I started a Northern Lights inspired line of positive image apparel for kids and young adults named "Superstar Positive Image Apparel". The youth are our future and the proper encouragement and nurturing today can help yield a BIG positive impact in the future. As one of our efforts, we are launching this line of motivational garments to promote not only a positive self-esteem and self-image... but also acceptance and inclusion of those who may be different from us. As one of nature’s most fascinating and beautiful phenomena, I felt the Northern Lights would be a great, eye-catching theme for this line.
I am proud to produce these garments to send the youth around the world this powerful message:
You are SMART...
You are BEAUTIFUL...
You are UNIQUE...
You are YOU!
You are a... SUPERSTAR!
As a growing brand, I handle all of the creative elements from the logo and advertisements to the designing of the actual garments themselves. Here are just a few examples of the garments from the Superstar Positive Image Apparel Brand.
Here are some photo and video examples of promotional material for our Instagram page that can be found here.

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