The following are select logos that I have created for various companies throughout my career.

This logo was created for OSU Wexner Medical Center's yearly "Know Your Numbers" campaign. This promotion encourages Medical Center employees to get an annual Biometric Health Screening.

The logo for an online Celtic apparel store called Just Kilt Me. See more work that I have done for Just Kilt Me here.

A logo for a dating & relationship coach residing in New Mexico.

The logo I created for my Northern Lights inspired line of positive image apparel for kids and young adults named "Superstar Positive Image Apparel". See more work for this brand here.

The logo for an upcoming online database named the Digital Information Depot.

I created the name and this logo for a salon & spa named Styl1st (pronounced Style First). Upon choosing the font, I made sure that the typographic logo read as both the company's name and as the word "STYLIST".

A logo for a Florida film company named Hopus Films.

A logo for the (El) Naturaleza Luxury Resort.

A logo for a for a local non-profit organization's veterans networking campaign.

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